Water treatment chemical flocculant nonionic anionic cationic polyacrylamide
Source: | Author:Vicky | Published time: 2022-10-28 | 951 Views | Share:
Anionic PAM is mainly used in minerals selection, metallurgy, coal washing, food, steel, spinning and papermaking industry which involves separation of solid-liquid and waste water treatment. Anionic PAM can also be used for oil well and oil extraction in oil industry, and retention aids and intensifier in papermaking industry.

Polyacrylamide PAM Type

Anionic Polyacrylamide:

Anionic PAM is mainly used in minerals selection, metallurgy, coal washing, food, steel, spinning and papermaking industry which involves separation of solid-liquid and waste water treatment. Anionic PAM can also be used for oil well and oil extraction in oil industry, and retention aids and intensifier in papermaking industry.

Cationic Polyacrylamide:

Cationic polyacrylamide is mainly used as flocculants and dewatering reagents for industry waste water and sewage; retention aids and intensifier in paper making industry; waste water treatment in pharmaceutical, leather making, printing and dyeing industry waste water treatment, and organizer in textile industry.

Non-ionic Polyacrylamide:

Nonionic polyacrylamide is mainly used as flocculants with high selectivity in oil well fluid,and acidic waste water treatment.

Amphoteric Polyacrylamide:

Amphoteric polyacrylamide is mainly used high difficult waste water treatment or sludge dewatering reagents in oil refining and chemical industry or papermaking industry.